Becoming Beloved Community

The Becoming Beloved Community Committee helps our parish live into our baptismal covenant to “strive for justice and peace among all people and respect the dignity of every human being.” The Committee facilitates the parish’s vision to welcome and affirm all persons, especially those historically marginalized or harmed due to their race, ethnicity, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation. Committee members are available for one-on-one discussions and open dialogue, both with those searching for inclusion and affirmation, and those seeking to understand and more fully love their neighbors who are different from themselves. The committee has a strong focus on building diversity, equity, and inclusion through education and activities such as formal group studies (e.g., Sacred Ground, Be the Bridge), curating the parish’s Anti-Racism Library, and celebrating Black history and culture through educational materials. Future projects include celebrating LGBTQ+ Pride through educational materials, establishing a LGBTQ+ library, celebrating Hispanic and Latin history and culture through educational materials, and much more!